7-Making a first good impression and starting the renovation

The first encounter with my new neighbors

(It may be a good idea to read the posts in order, hence starting with the oldest one, that will make the blog easier to follow)

If there is one thing everyone has told me, since I started to look for an apartment, it is that I will get problems with the Community of Neighbors. 
- Just you wait and see, they have said. There are no neighbor communities that functions and there are always a bunch of grumpy old men or women, or just plainly mad and evil persons in each building.You will get problems no matter what you do.

- Seriously, they have then warned me, a lot of people have too much time on their hands and they only live for the possibility to make life hell for others. You just wait and see...

I can't say I believed things to be that bad. People are people everywhere and why should neighbors be worse in Spain than in any other country?
Was I wrong? oh, yes I was... more about this in later posts.
Never the less I thought it would be a good idea to make a first good impression, just in case.

It turned out that there was going be a general meeting shortly after I bought the apartment, and that I would not be able to attend it, I therefore decided to write a letter to the community and put it up on the notice-board in the entrance of the building.

I there explained who I am, that I had bought the apartment, that I was going to do a renovation of it, and that I  would do everything I could possibly do to minimize and disturbance. I also explained that I am Swedish (you would be amazed about how differently they treat you if they think you are form an Eastern European country instead of Scandinavia) and that I would have to go away and not would be able to attend the General Meeting (Junta), but would send the architect that would be responsible for the renovation.

So far so good.

After the meeting I get a report from my architect, and having written the introduction letter turned out to have been a very good idea, indeed.
However, it is now I also learn that the building needs to go through an enforced renovation (hence that there was an "Orden de Ejecución" from the community of Madrid, "Ayuntamiento"), and that they had decided to start with the facade, and that the roof above my apartment would be the last thing they would do.

This made me worried and confused;
The old owners had told me that the building has gone through a renovation a few years ago and the ITE was ok (see this post)!
Now I get the news that the whole building was under an "Orden de Ejecución"; enforced renovation...
I also learn that the roofs over my, top floor apartment, will be the very last thing the Community of Neighbors are planning to do something about.
How will this affect my plans of renovation? Will I have to wait for years before I can do my renovation? What can I do in order to hasten the work with "my" roofs?

Well one thing at a time, first of all we needed to do the basics, like taking down some of the unnecessary walls, take away the inner ceiling to see the estate of the roof construction, and get rid of the horrible orange floor tiles.Hence I decided to start the demolitions as soon as possible.

Stay tuned for the next chapter, it will be about the first conflict with the Community of Neighbors, and realizing what problems laid ahead.

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